Partner Pass with Kicking

Good Morning St. Clare Friends!

Rain, rain go away! Come again another day! If you are up for possibly getting wet, let's head out to practice our kick with a partner!

partner kicking ball - YouTube

Key Skills for Kicking:
1) Eyes on the ball.
2) Step towards the ball with the kicking foot.
3) Is contact made with the inside of the foot for passing or shoelaces for shooting on target?
4) Kicking leg should continue towards the target and across the body.
5) Arms are used to maintain balance.

Key Skills for Receiving:
1) Eyes on the ball.
2) Move the body in front of the ball when receiving.
3) Stop the ball with underfoot or instep.

1) Using a soccer ball or utility ball stand 10-15 paces away from your partner.
2) Eyes on the target, plant the non-kicking foot next to the ball while making contact with the instep to follow through with the leg towards the target.
3) Partner stops the ball by moving in front of the ball when receiving and stops the ball with underfoot or instep before sending it back.
4) Make 5 -10 passes without missing and then challenge yourself to step further away from your partner and continue passing!

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender


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