Racket Wall Ball

Good Morning St. Clare Friends!

The sun is shining bright - it's going to be a fabulous day! Let's get outside and MOVE those bodies! Getting your heart pumping and muscles moving isn't just good for your heart and body, it's also a great way to keep your brain strong and healthy too!

Racquetball - Happy or Hungry

Key Skills of Striking:
- Eye on the ball.
- Hold racket with dominant hand (usually hand you write with).
- Ready position with knees slightly bent.
- Shift weight from back to front.
- Swing the arm forward to make contact with the ball.
- Follow through with hand towards target and upward to opposite shoulder.

- badminton or tennis racket or homemade racket with paper plate or frisbee
- small ball that bounces well or tennis ball
- garage door or fence to hit ball off of

1) The game can start off as a single player using an underhand strike to send a ball to the wall about knee high.
2) Players must continuously move forward and back in order to regain a good position to strike the ball once again.
3) As partners, the first player send the ball to the wall on an angle towards his partner's half of the area.
4) The second player strikes the ball back to the wall so it rebounds back to their partner.

** Check out this game in action:

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender


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