Let's Play Cards!

Good Morning St. Clare Friends!

It's Sunday! We are heading into the second week of this new routine. Let's begin with a prayer...

The Athlete's Prayer

Lord, pleases clear my head of all distractions
and my heart of burdens I may bear.
So I may perform my very best
knowing you will always be there.

With great courage I will meet this challenge 
As you would have me to,
But keep me humble and remind me 
that my strength comes from You and only You.

Then when all eyes are upon me, 
At the end of this big game,
I will turn their eyes to You oh Lord 
And to the Glory of Your Name.


Fanned Playing Cards Png Clipart Freeuse Stock - New Lebanon ...

Using a deck of cards, remove face cards and then assign a movement to each of the 4 suits:

Diamonds - Jumping Jacks
Heart - Squats
Clubs - Lunges
Spades - Butt kickers

Pick a card from the deck number and then have the kids perform the number and type of movements that corresponds with the chosen card. Let the kids take turns picking the cards.

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Kind Regards,
Sherri Anwender


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