Let's Rock & Throw!

Good Morning St. Clare Friends!

Wow it's going to be a fabulous day to get outside and move! The sun is shining and the high is 20 degrees! Woohoo! ☀ Today we are continuing with the underhand throw.
skill guide skill Guide
Basic Skills For Underhand Throwing:
1) Eyes on the target and facing the target.

2) Bring throwing arm back before you throw.

3) Step with the opposite foot that you throw with.

4) Release ball between knee and waist.

5) Your throwing arm should follow through to your target.

- a couple of balls that can be held in the palm of your hand (tennis balls, smaller utility ball, rolled up socks)

- targets to throw at (such as paper plates or pieces of paper taped to the fence or garage door or wall in your house) *** Please get your parent's permission first!
1) Take 5 to 10 paces back from your target.

2) Using the basic skills for underhand throw, aim at the target and throw 3 times calculating your total points.

3) Have your partner take three throws too and tally points.

4) First partner to 50 wins.

** See video attachment for this game in action!

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender


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