Let's Catch With A Partner

Good Morning St. Clare Friends!

The sun is currently shining so let's get active outside before the clouds roll in!

We are going to continue practicing our catching and underhand roll by playing catch with a friend.

Children Playing Catch Illustration - Twinkl

- an object that can be used to catch (balled up socks, stuffie, utility ball)

Key Skills for Success for catching:
1) Eyes on the ball.

2) Arms out in front of you ready to receive the ball.

3) Use your arms to help absorb the object and bring it towards your body. "HUG THE BALL"

Key Skills for Success for the underhand throw:
1) Eyes on the target and facing the target

2) Bring throwing arm back before you throw.

3) Step with the opposite foot that you throw with.

4) Release ball between knee and waist.

5) Your throwing arm should follow through to your target.

- remember to keep your eyes on the ball and your partner
- if you are throwing you should be looking at your partners hands
- if you are catching you have your arms out in front of you for your partner to have a target

1) Partners take 5 to 10 paces away from each other.

2) Making sure both partners are ready, pass the ball back and forth counting your successful catches. Try to get 10 successful throw/catches without any mistakes.

3) Once you find this challenge easy, try tossing the ball with a bounce or low throws and catches or high throw and catches. 

** Check out the following video to see this game in action...

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender


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