Let's Dribble!

Good Morning St. Clare Friends!

Hope you enjoyed the sunshine this weekend and will continue to enjoy it this week! The forecast looks amazing! Sunshine! Sunshine! And more sunshine! YAY!

This week we are working on the fundamental manipulative skill of  "DRIBBLING"! There are actually 2 sports that use dribbling... basketball with your hand and soccer with your foot! We will start with basketball first and then mid week switch to soccer. Remember dribbling is a challenging skill that requires a lot of practice and hand eye coordination. Be patient and enjoy the journey!

A Female Basketball Player Dribbling A Ball (With images ...
Key Skills of Dribbling (with your hands):
- eyes are looking forward, only glancing at the ball occasionally to maintain control
- slight forward lean, flexed at the knee and waist
- fingers are relaxed and spread out, making contact with finger tips
- dribble ball at waist level, keeping ball close to body to protect it
- ball is pushed toward the floor, not slapped

** If you do not have a basketball use a bouncy utility ball full of air!

1) Begin by getting comfortable with the ball in your dominant hand (for most of you that is your right hand). Once you are comfortable try your non-dominant hand.

** Check this out in action:

2) Once you can dribble with control standing in one spot, try walking with the ball.

** Check this skill in action:

3) Good basketball players can dribble with both their left and right hand. The "V" dribble is a great skill to practice this! Try it!

** Check this skill in action:

4) Once you are comfortable walking while dribbling, move towards jogging and dribbling.

** Check this skill in action:

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender


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