Mission To Catch
Good Morning St. Clare Friends!
Well the weather isn't looking promising today so let's get those muscles warmed up and get moving sooner than later!!!
Key Skills for Success for Catching:
1) Eyes on the ball.
2) Arms out in front of you ready to receive the ball.
3) Use your arms to help absorb the object and bring it towards your body. "HUG THE BALL"
Key Skills for Success for the Underhand Throw:
1) Eyes on the target and facing the target
2) Bring throwing arm back before you throw.
3) Step with the opposite foot that you throw with.
4) Release ball between knee and waist.
5) Your throwing arm should follow through to your target.
1) Materials needed for this game include: soft object for tossing such as balled up socks, sponge ball or utility ball and something to catch with such as a cone, pail or can.
2) With a partner, standing 5-10 paces away from each other. One partner has the ball and the other has the cone or pail to catch the object.
3) On signal, partner with ball uses an underhand throw to the partner with the cone, who then tries to catch the objects in the upside-down cones.
4) Once the object is caught, it is rolled back to the side that it came from and the activity continues. Switch roles after a certain amount of time.
Check out this game in action:
Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Well the weather isn't looking promising today so let's get those muscles warmed up and get moving sooner than later!!!

Key Skills for Success for Catching:
1) Eyes on the ball.
2) Arms out in front of you ready to receive the ball.
3) Use your arms to help absorb the object and bring it towards your body. "HUG THE BALL"
Key Skills for Success for the Underhand Throw:
1) Eyes on the target and facing the target
2) Bring throwing arm back before you throw.
3) Step with the opposite foot that you throw with.
4) Release ball between knee and waist.
5) Your throwing arm should follow through to your target.
Key Skills for Success for Underhand Roll:
1) Eyes on the target.
2) Knees are bent.
3) Bring throwing arm back like "pendulum" (so keep throwing arm straight and locked at elbow)
4)Step forward with opposite foot of rolling arm.
5) Release ball low to the ground so it doesn't bounce.
6) Throwing arm follows through in motion towards target.
1) Materials needed for this game include: soft object for tossing such as balled up socks, sponge ball or utility ball and something to catch with such as a cone, pail or can.
2) With a partner, standing 5-10 paces away from each other. One partner has the ball and the other has the cone or pail to catch the object.
3) On signal, partner with ball uses an underhand throw to the partner with the cone, who then tries to catch the objects in the upside-down cones.
4) Once the object is caught, it is rolled back to the side that it came from and the activity continues. Switch roles after a certain amount of time.
Check out this game in action:
Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
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